Kòm yon eleman enpòtan nan jaden an endistriyèl, pèfòmans nan ekselan nan bouton carbure tengstèn se inséparabl soti nan pwosesis la manifakti ekskiz.
Premye a se preparasyon an nan matyè premyè. Tungsten and cobalt cemented carbides are usually used to manufacture tungsten carbide button, and tungsten carbide, cobalt and other powders are mixed in a certain proportion. These powders need to be finely screened and processed to ensure uniform particle size and high purity, laying the foundation for the subsequent manufacturing process.
Next vini etap nan bòdi poud. Se poud lan melanje bourade anba presyon ki wo nan fòm inisyal la nan dan yo esferik nan yon mwazi espesifik. Pwosesis sa a mande pou kontwòl egzak nan presyon ak tanperati a asire dansite inifòm ak dimansyon egzat nan dan yo. Malgre ke kò a dan bourade esferik deja gen yon fòm sèten, li se toujou relativman frajil.
Sa a se swiv pa pwosesis la sinterizasyon. The spherical tooth body is sintered in a high-temperature sintering furnace, and under the action of high temperature, the powder particles diffuse and combine to form a strong cemented carbide structure. Paramèt tankou tanperati, tan ak atmosfè nan sinterizasyon an bezwen yo dwe byen kontwole asire pi bon pèfòmans dan. Apre sinterizasyon, pwopriyete yo nan dan yo boul tankou dite, fòs ak rezistans mete yo te anpil amelyore.
Yo nan lòd yo plis amelyore bon jan kalite a sifas ak presizyon nan dan yo boul, se machining ki vin apre tou te pote soti. Pou egzanp, fanm k'ap pile, polisaj ak lòt pwosesis yo te itilize fè sifas la nan dan yo boul douser ak gwosè a pi egzat. At the same time, according to different application requirements, the ball teeth can also be coated, such as titanium plating, titanium nitride plating, etc., to enhance their anti-wear, anti-corrosion and other properties.
Se enspeksyon bon jan kalite te pote soti nan tout pwosesis la manifakti. From the inspection of raw materials, to the testing of intermediate products in each manufacturing process, to the performance testing of the final product, every step of the way ensures that the quality of the spherical teeth meets exacting standards. Se sèlman dan yo esferik ki te pase tès yo divès kalite ka mete nan aplikasyon pratik.
Post tan: Oct-15-2024